The Role of Waqf Forests in the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Indonesia – BWPS No. 2, 2021

BWPS No.2 Tahun 2021 - The BWI Working Paper Series (BWPS)

Indonesia begins 2021 with floods and landslides in a row. The natural disasters remind us of the beginning of the previous year, which also started with a disaster. Based on the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management BNPB (2020), nearly 3,000 disasters in Indonesia resulted in 370 deaths and more than 6 million people displaced throughout 2020.

Interestingly, more than half of the disasters that occurred in Indonesia were floods and landslides. It is well known that one of the leading causes of floods and landslides is forest destruction. Deforestation reduces water catchment areas. Water that is not absorbed flows swiftly, causing flash floods and landslides in the upstream area and flooding in the downstream area.

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20210430 – BWI Working Paper Series-April 2021 The Role of Waqf Forests


Download: The Role of Waqf Forests in the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Indonesia – BWPS No. 2, 2021



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