Efficiency of Private Waqf Institutions in Indonesia: Data Envelopment Analysis – BWPS No. 2 2022

BWPS 02 Mei 2022

Juliana Juliana[1], Rizqa Munadiyah[2], Rida Rosida[3], A. Jajang W. Mahri[4],

Robi Awaluddin[5]




This study aims to calculate the value of efficiency so that waqf institutions can predict and consider various policies in preparing financial statements for the following year. The method used in this research is non-parametric qualitative with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The research sample is a private waqf institution consisting of Dompet Duafa, Global Waqf and Sinergi Foundation. The data source used is secondary, namely the financial statements of waqf institutions for the period of 2015-2019. The input variables used in this study are the value of waqf assets, operational costs, and general and administrative costs. Meanwhile, the output variable is the total receipt of waqf funds, the total distribution of waqf funds. The results showed that the private waqf institution Dompet Dhuafa during 2015 -2018 got an efficient score, while in 2019 it got an inefficient score. As for the Global Waqf in 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2019, the scores were inefficient, while for 2016 it was rated as efficient. While at the Sinergi Foundation institution, only in 2017 experienced inefficiency. Waqf reporting itself is still very rarely separated from zakat reporting. Therefore, with this research, it is hoped that waqf institutions can be more independent in waqf financial reporting so that the current potential of waqf can be used and developed properly. This can be done by conducting financial reporting following PSAK waqf. In addition, the management of waqf assets must also be managed by nazhir who are responsible for having sufficient competence. So that the waqf assets can grow and provide benefits to the beneficiaries. Then, no less important, the use of fees for the benefit of waqf or institutions, in general, should be used more wisely. Research on the efficiency of private waqf institutions in Indonesia is very rare. This research succeeded in photographing the shortcomings of private waqf institutions and providing statistical and managerial recommendations to institutions as objects of research.


Keywords: efficiency, waqf institution, DEA



[1] Department of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, email: julian@upi.edu

[2] Department of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, email: rizqamunadiyah@upi.edu

[3] Department of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, email: rida.rosida@upi.edu

[4] Department of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, email: ajajangwmahri@upi.edu

[5]Department of Management, Universitas Siliwangi, Tasik , Indonesia, email: awaluddin.robi@unsil.ac.id



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